Category Archives: Discussions

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Common Ground Trees

To validate the problem before committing significant Homes Association dollars for complete tree removal and replacement, an arborist was invited to physically inspect all of the pines on the Mission Rd screening berms. The bad news is that the pine trees in question look as good today as they are ever going to look. They are over 10 years old and have nearly reached their maximum size. They have contracted a variety of diseases, infestations or stunted growth conditions. They can be sprayed; they can be pruned; and the needles can be removed to promote longer life, but… Continue reading Common Ground Trees

Agenda for March 22, 2011 Neighborhood Meeting – 7:30pm

1.  Final Word from 2010 Advisory Board.

2.  Introduction of 2011 Advisory Board and Committee Chairs.

3.  2011 HOA Dues.

4.  2011 Budget.

5.  Deffenbaugh trash and recycling update.

6.  Common Grounds Tree Maintenance update.

7.  2011 Discretionary  spending update.

8.  HAKC- Homes Association of Kansas City.

9.  Committee News and Events.

10.  Open Discussion and Questions.

Snow Removal

The recent snowfall has raised questions as to the responsibility of snow removal from the streets of our subdivision.  The city of Overland Park is responsible for all snow removal from the streets within our subdivision.  At times the city may contract this work to private vendors which may appear as though this is done privately.  However, no HOA dues are budgeted or spent for snow removal on any of the public streets within our subdivision.  The city of Overland Park does outline their snow removal procedures on their website.  If anyone has further questions regarding this procedure or the promptness of service provided by the city of Overland Park please feel free to visit the city of OP website and/or contact them directly with your specific concerns.  A link to the city of Overland Park can be found on our neighborhood website.

Thank you from your Advisory Board

2011 Budget and Homes Association Dues

Although not all expenses are in for 2010, it is already clear that the total expenses for the year will exceed collected revenues by $12,000 to $14,000.   This deficit will consume roughly half of the cash reserves that had been accumulated over the previous eight years.  While several unexpected items (pool heater repair, higher-than-average water usage, diseased tree removal, verti-cutting and over seeding common grounds to restore grass, etc) contributed to the expense overrun, Continue reading 2011 Budget and Homes Association Dues

Holiday Lights and Other Decorations

While Christmas lights and other exterior and/or yard decorations helpcontribute to the festivity of the season and provide visual enjoyment to folks from within and outside of the neighborhood, when the season is over, theleftover decorations can become a visual nuisance and pose a safety and/or fire hazard to your home and those around you. Holiday decorations should be taken down by January 15th. Continue reading Holiday Lights and Other Decorations

Summer 2010 Newsletter

The weather has broken and neighbors are out in full force. I hope to see many of you as possible through walks and visits to the pool. Another year is upon us and we have many new faces on committees. Several important issues were discussed at our Annual Meeting. Please review the meeting minutes and other important information on our community website. I would like to bring up some key topics. Continue reading Summer 2010 Newsletter

What do our annual HOA dues pay for?

What do our annual HOA dues pay for?

HOA dues pay for trash pickup, maintenance of the pool and common areas, as well as administration of the neighborhood.  Dues must be paid no later than Feb 28th of each year.  Failure to pay dues will result in suspension of trash pick-up and liens being placed on homeowners property.  These are the only dues or fees collected during the year.