Candidates for Blackthorne Estates Homes Association Board 2017-2018

Below are profiles submitted by the Candidates to date. Additional profiles will be added as they are received.

Candidate for President (1)

John Thompson- resident since 2004
As a 13+ year resident, I’m committed to Blackthorne Estates and want to see us get this part of the neighborhood in order. While my mind is open to different options, based on what I’m able to uncover and learn in the process, my platform would be focused on:
• The neighborhood entry needs to be redone, in a way that maximizes the investments to date and what is affordable for the neighborhood long term, given our annual income is $100-$110k. We should fill in the ponds and shift to a landscaping-based model. We should hire a firm to manage the entry way and cul-de-sac public areas. We should make one significant investment to set the foundation, then 3x annual cleaning and renewal. There are plenty of firms that are willing and able to do this well. Secure bids and act in the early spring 2017 assuming the financial position supports.
• Make the investments to fix the pool – fence and electrical box that I’m aware of – and ensure that our pool remains a contributing part of the neighborhood.
• Our endowment should be a smaller portion of our annual budget than it currently is. We should invest the funds prudently, work towards a balanced budget with modest buffer annual for the unexpected annually. We should use the funds we have to make appropriate near-term investments in the neighborhood.
• We need a sustained investment to plant shading trees on the west side of the neighborhood, pending the timetable and plan from the city on improving/expanding Mission road.
• We need to get the barrier on the northeast corner opened, eventually – not immediate priority.
• We need to shift towards owner occupied homes – no additional leasing unless the owner lives in the home at least 3 (actual time TBD) years
initially. Grandfather clause for existing leases, but work towards a neighborhood of owners who are investing in their homes.
• Work with the city to get walking/biking accessibility to SPE, likely completed in the re-work of Mission.
• Modest but appropriate social budget that recognizes the demographics of the neighborhood.
Those are my starting points, acknowledging there is still some information to discover. In my decision-making process, I like to listen and consider the perspectives and ideas of others.

Candidate for Vice President: (1)
Jen Gilstrap – resident since 2015
My interest in serving on the Board is to help make our neighborhood appealing and fix current issues. My work life has given me extensive experience in managing projects to completion. As a community we now have the ability to control decisions, and we need to move forward in a strategic and financially responsible way as to make our home values rise.

Candidate for Treasurer: (1)
Magda Belden – resident since 2015
I have worked in finance and accounting for 25 years. I am a people person, but I am direct and expect people to fulfill their position even as a volunteer. I would like the new board to actually make a difference in our neighborhood. I am willing to take over the hardest job to make our neighborhood great and have people be proud moving to Blackthorne. Let’s get serious and care about our neighborhood.

Candidate for Secretary: (1)
Lori O’Connor – resident since 2005
My primary interest in joining the Board is to set a positive and inclusive tone moving forward, and to encourage HOA participation. I would like to provide open and transparent communication with all of our Blackthorne neighbors around Board Meetings (which all Homeowners are invited to attend) and decisions, neighborhood issues and events. I believe that by communicating on a regular basis and using resources such as to encourage communication among our residents, we can create a strong sense of community and increase participation and volunteerism. I have 15+ years experience in marketing and project management. See full profile on LinkedIn.

Candidates for Member at Large listed alphabetically: (choose 3)

Anice Anderson-Kindscher – resident since 2012
I have experience and degrees in business and engineering, have been a corporate executive at Honeywell, and a college professor prior to retiring here with my husband, who has lived here since 2012. I have successfully served on two HOA boards for other homes we have owned. I can provide the expertise from prior successful HOA’s, budget comparisons, engineering and business experience to help our wonderful community. Either way, I look forward to getting to know our lovely neighborhood better!

Marcia Bloom – resident since 2007
I have been a resident of the area for 10.5 years. I have attended every HOA meeting since living here. I am a retired teacher and retired craft business owner. I enjoy working with people and conveying my ideas for the betterment of the neighborhood.

Julee Booth – resident since 2009
We have lived here since September of 2009, raising our 4 boys in Blue Valley. We live in the newer back section and have watched as the rest of the neighborhood has filled in, lots of building. George has a background in finance and management and I have a background in management and marketing. I hope to be able to work alongside neighbors that share the same vision of improving our neighborhood, not only for our kids, but to improve our home values in comparison to the two neighborhoods surrounding us.

Josh Clausen – resident since 2009
My family moved to Blackthorne Estates in August of 2009. I am an engineer/project manager with Black & Veatch where I have worked for nearly nineteen years. In my role as project manager, I have had the experience of leading teams of professionals in completing projects and have experience in negotiating and managing contracts for supplies and services. My goals for participating in the HOA Board are to increase the sense of community in the subdivision and to encourage a thoughtful, well-planned approach to the challenges and opportunities that exist in BTE.

Brian Grewe – resident since 2004
I have served as At-Large Advisory Member and have coordinated the Neighborhood Pool for last 8 years. I served as the Developer appointed President of the Advisory Board 2011-2016. My education is degrees in Political Science/Government and Business. My goals are for our neighborhood to have a sense of ownership and responsibility for all residents to create and maintain a great place to live and raise families.

Joe Pallucca – resident since 2006
I did serve as a member at large in the past, but wasn’t realistically able to be very involved, as meetings were often scheduled during regular business hours and conflicted with a normal work schedule. I have extensive work experience in
leadership roles as an Information Technology Project Manager with a number of local corporations and would appreciate the opportunity to help with future plans for BTE.

Savanna Pavkov – resident since 2014
I am a former high school teacher and school administrator from Cape Coral, Fl. We will have been here in Kansas and BTE three years this coming June and love the change from Florida. I have a strong background in leadership and management through both education and a previous career in restaurant management. I am comfortable working with our neighbors and community members to ensure our neighborhood continues to be the great community that we so happily joined not too long ago.

Robert Russell – resident since 2005
Golf Professional, Nicklaus Club at Lionsgate
From 2006-2012, I owned and operated Russell Lawn Care. Working with the limited budget we strived to provide quality lawn maintenance for BTE. I think we can all agree BTE has the potential to be a neighborhood we can all be proud of. Having experience with every inch of the property for many years, and knowing what it will take to make it beautiful, fun and prosperous, I feel my past experience would be an asset to serve on the board.

Robert Urbanek – profile not provided

THERE ARE STILL PLENTY OF VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES – Consider joining one of the following committees:

Architectural Review Committee
Communication Committee
Social Committee
Pool Committee
Welcome Committee

Thanks everyone for your interest and support!

Save the Date: March 4th, 2017 HOA Meeting

Hi Neighbors!
As promised, we are planning our next BTE HOA Meeting. Official letters will be mailed to all Blackthorne Estates Homeowners with additional details very soon. For now, please make plans to attend on Saturday, March 4th from 3-5pm at Prairie Star Middle School. If you are unable to attend, more information will be provided about the ability to vote by proxy. We will meet in the Commons area. There will be someone to direct you to the meeting. We hope to see everyone there!

The goal of the meeting will be to nominate and elect our HOA Advisory Board. Available positions are:

President – presides at all HOA Board meetings & HOA meetings; makes sure that orders and resolutions are carried out; signs contracts on behalf of the Association

Vice President – takes the place of the President when he/she is absent; performs other duties as required; may sign contracts on behalf of the Association

Secretary – keeps meeting minutes; records votes; sends meeting notifications; keeps member records current

Treasurer – keeps financial records and & reviews expenses on a monthly basis – Currently HA-KC Management Company keeps the financial records and pays bills, and a BTE resident (CPA/attorney) reviews these.

Member at Large (up to 4) – additional voting member of the Advisory Board; performs duties as assigned

Non-Board positions to be filled : Communications Chair, Architectural Review Committee Chair, Social Committee Chair – there are opportunities for multiple people to serve on these committees and the more people that volunteer – the less work any one person will be tasked with.

We collected names of people who are interested in Volunteering at the January 28th meeting. If you would like to be considered for any of the Advisory Board, Committee Chair or Committee Member positions – please let us know by using the Contact Us button above and sending an email indicating your top 2 choices of positions. Additional communication to our prospective volunteers will be sent once exact next steps are identified.

Please let us know what additional questions you have and we will do our best to address them.Thank you everyone! We appreciate your support as we take this next step together as a Home Owner Managed HOA.

Blackthorne Estates Homeowners Meeting – January 28th, 2017

When: Saturday, January 28th, 2017 @ 3pm
Where: Llywelyn’s Pub
Address: 6995 W 151st St, Overland Park, KS 66223

This will be an open forum meeting to discuss how our community moves forward regarding the Home Owners Association.
– HOA – outsource vs. community-run. Discussion of bids and approximate costs for full outsource services.
– Advisory Board Volunteers – currently the board is vacant
– Current Financial State – based on 2016 year end financials
– Current Expenses – based on 2016 year end financials
– Date for future vote regarding HOA
– Steps needed to stay compliant with Kansas laws regarding vote
– Communication – website, newsletters, e-mail list
– Maintenance items: Fountains, Pool Fence, Cul-de-sac islands etc.

Our previous board members have volunteered a lot of time and hard work on our behalf and we offer them a huge Thank You, especially Brian Grewe and Robert Urbanek. Our goal is to determine a path forward since the Board is now vacant, and Duggan is officially out of the picture.

You can also find community information on the FaceBook page “Blackthorne Estates Neighborhood Watch”.

This is YOUR COMMUNITY! Come and meet your new neighbors, and a play a role in the path forward! Everyone is welcome!

Blackthorne Estates Homeowners Meeting – Jan 28th, 2017

When: Saturday, January 28th, 2017 @ 3pm
Where: Llywelyn’s Pub
Address: 6995 W 151st St, Overland Park, KS 66223

This will be an open forum meeting to discuss how our community moves forward regarding the Home Owners Association.
– HOA – outsource vs. community-run. Discussion of bids and approximate costs for full outsource services.
– Advisory Board Volunteers – currently the board is vacant
– Current Financial State – based on 2016 year end financials
– Current Expenses – based on 2016 year end financials
– Date for future vote regarding HOA
– Steps needed to stay compliant with Kansas laws regarding vote
– Communication – website, newsletters, e-mail list
– Maintenance items: Fountains, Pool Fence, Cul-de-sac islands etc.

Our previous board members have volunteered a lot of time and hard work on our behalf and we offer them a huge Thank You, especially Brian Grewe and Robert Urbanek. Our goal is to determine a path forward since the Board is now vacant, and Duggan is officially out of the picture.

You can also find community information on the FaceBook page “Blackthorne Estates Neighborhood Watch”.

This is YOUR COMMUNITY!  Come and meet your new neighbors, and a play a role in the path forward! Everyone is welcome!

Don’t Forget to Get Your ARC Approval


All changes to the exterior of your home or to your property must be reviewed and approved by the Blackthorne Estates Architecture Review Committee (ARC) PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION/INSTALLATION.  Submitting an ARC request is easy. First, complete the ARC Change Request Form which is available in either MS Word or .pdf formats at  If you have provided with your initial request all of the pertinent information described above, the ARC committee review should be complete within 7 days. Incomplete requests and requests that require a site visit, verification of state, county or city codes and/or an interpretation of the Declaration of Restrictions by the Board can take up to 30 days.

2015 Homes Association Dues


Invoices for the 2015 Annual Blackthorne Estates Homes Association dues were mailed out in January with a due date of February 28th, 2015.  Dues remained at $600.00 for the fourth consecutive year.  Although the Homes Association Declaration fixes January 1st as the contractual due date, the Advisory Board has been able to manage the annual budget to have enough carry over to pay January and February expenses without a dependency on the new year’s dues revenue and, therefore, extended the due date to allow households some level of recovery from Christmas and other end of year expenses.    Continue reading 2015 Homes Association Dues

2014 Neighborhood Pool Party – Sunday, August 31st @ 4PM – RSVP!!

The Blackthorne Estates Social Committee will be hosting the Neighborhood Pool Party on Sunday, August 31st at 4PM at the Pool! Music – Food – Fun!!
The event will be catered by Detroit Coney Food Truck from 5-7pm. Menu choices will be: Detroit Coney, Polish Coney, All Beef Hot Dog, Polish Sausage, Veggie Dog, Loose Burger, Loose Deluxe, Nachos, Chili Cheese Nachos and Ice Cream, chips and a drink.

RSVP is required by 8-22-14 to receive a ticket for dinner. Please email Mike Mason at [email protected] or call 913-261-9430. Please include the following: Name, total # of adults and total # of kids. If you are unable to RSVP and wish to still attend, Detroit Coney will also accept cash or credit card for walk up purchases.

Proposed Snake Habitat Near Blackthorne Estates

A recent Kansas City Star article published August 16th outlines a project proposal to create a snake habitat upon a new 11 acre plot of land behind Iron Horse, BlackThorne Estates and Water’s Edge.   Here is an excerpt from the article:

Redbelly and smooth earth snakes spend most of their lives underground gorging on slugs, worms and snails. Now the reptiles are surfacing, at least bureaucratically, to devour Johnson County tax dollars.State officials insist Johnson County replace any endangered species habitat it disturbs while building new sewers — requiring new homes for snakes on 11 acres at a cost of $250,000 to $500,000.

Read  the full article here: [KC Star]

Overland Park Municipal Code Requires a Leash on Pets

The Advisory Board has received some complaints regarding pets (dogs) running lose in the neighborhood and approaching pedestrians and other pets in the neighborhood. Homeowners please be reminded that the City of Overland Park Municipal Code does require all dogs to be on a leash when outside of the owners yard. Please remain aware of your pets at all times to ensure the safety of our neighbors and our pets.